Insight & Remediation In Practice
A one-day course providing key insights into the requirements of professional regulators for anyone facing a regulatory enquiry. We strongly recommend taking this course at an early stage, as it sets the scene for formal processes engagement.
From £500.00
Listening In Practice
1 Day
If problems in communication have been an aspect of the problem you are facing, this course can be a part of the process of developing insight and demonstrating remediation.
From £500.00
Professional Boundaries In Therapy Practice
For Counsellors, Psychotherapists and Clinical Psychologists facing significant issues or concerns about any aspect of professional boundaries, including where advised by a supervisor and where there is a complaint or investigation.
From £500.00
Maintaining Professional Ethics
3 Days
If you are facing an allegation around probity or ethics our three-day course provides a space for reflection, for expanding insight and for ensuring that restorative plans commensurate with the issues of concern are put in place.
From £1,800.00
Maintaining Professionalism-The Fourth Day
1 day
For anyone who has completed one of our three-day course this 1-day session helps you to maintain professionalism, through a reflective and challenging space, with a small group of peers.
It can be taken multiple times as part of a longer-term programme. This is an opportunity to review your PDP, make any course corrections needed, review commitments and check your current situation against the domains of professionalism.
From £500.00
Probity & Ethics In Practice
1 Day
An in-depth look at probity, ethics, values, honesty, the risk matrix and the potential role of vulnerability and counter-dependence. The course helps you to deepen insight around the contexts for behaviours of concern and introduces a framework for this understanding.
From £500.00
professional boundaries
Introduction to Professional Boundaries
1 Day
This 1-day course is for you if you want to increase awareness, knowledge and skills around professional boundaries. Run bi-monthly as an open session and available for commission to be run for your organisation.
From £390.00
Introduction to Professional Boundaries in Therapy
Keeping you and your therapy clients safe.
From £180.00
Maintaining Emotional Boundaries
If you are facing an allegation around emotional boundaries in a professional setting this course is for you.
From £1,800.00
Maintaining Professional Boundaries
3 Days
If you are facing an allegation around professional boundaries that has any element of sexualised behaviour our three-day course provides a space for reflection, for expanding insight and for ensuring that restorative plans commensurate with the issues of concern are put in place.
From £1,800.00